“It’s completely unreal that we are only five minutes from Norrtull.”
Jimmy Lindström, Andritz
When the international industrial technology company Andritz had grown out of its old premises at Norrtull, they were looking for something north of the city near the E4 highway. Since their personnel travel a lot and have many foreign visitors, it was important to be close to the airports in Bromma and Arlanda. Jimmy Lindström, Country Manager, does not regret for a second choosing Gate:01 in Frösundavik.
For starters, it’s easy for employees and guests to get here: the airport bus, direct bus, crossline tram, and city commuter trains all stop at Gate:01. As a person living just north of town, he also values the ease of swinging off the highway to get to the office by car before the road tolls and traffic bottlenecks start. Not to mention the possibly to take an ice-skating tour on the frozen lake during lunch directly behind the house. What other office building can offer something like this and still be only five minutes from Norrtull?