
“Here you get energy both inside and out.”

Emilie Frängsmyr Pantzar, Toshiba

In July 2019, Toshiba moved into its bright and modern premises on the eighth floor with a view of Brunnsviken Bay – something they have not regretted for a second. Previously, they were located in the ÅF building on the other side of the road. Although Gate:01 is only a stone’s throw from their old address, much is different here. According to Emilie Frängsmyr Pantzar, the Toshiba gang appreciates, among other things, that nature is so close by. The lovely walking paths outside are perfect for walk-and-talk meetings or for quick lunch walks, providing both energy and vitamin D.

When they moved here, they reduced their office space by almost 40%, yet it does not feel crowded. Emilie feels this is due to the tailor-made floor plan. In addition, there are many cozy common areas they can use for both job meetings and nice breaks. She really likes that you are part of a larger context here. Even though she likes her colleagues, it’s always nice to see new faces. This gives an extra energy kick to Emilie, who already feels at home in Gate:01.